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Saturday, November 14, 2015

SEO Tips For Marketing Your Startup in 2015

At present world day by day change for website SEO technique. The new face of the Internet requires a fresh strategy when it comes to developing SEO that works to keep your business relevant in search engine results. Among the things you can try are:

Figure Out Your Target Keywords: All proper SEO research starts with target keywords. Based on your demographic and an in-depth analysis of current and recent search trends you can easily determine the keywords that have the most return with the least competition. What you’re going for here is trying to get your readers interested in your content, and as any content marketer will tell you, it’s the first step towards building a rapport with your audience.
Mobile Friendly is a Necessity: Creative Director for Avila Web Firm, Dan Steiner is noted as saying, “Mobile friendly is becoming the new standard, as was made apparent by Google’s latest update. Most folks think that they need to completely re-do their websites, which is just simply not the case. There are plenty of resources online that can convert websites to mobile-friendly standards, without breaking the bank.” Even if budget is your concern, you have far more to lose from a site that isn’t mobile compatible than you save from not making it mobile compatible.
Simple is Usually Better: Creating content to market a startup means making a connection with your target audience. Keeping it simple is the best way to get information across to someone who isn’t an industry expert. Ideally, your content should be simply enough so that someone with no background in your field would have no problem understanding what it says.
Develop and Follow a Marketing Strategy: A marketing strategy allows you to have a final goal in mind to work towards regarding your target demographic, amount of social media or blog postings per day, what your created content is supposed to do and how you rectify problems when content doesn’t perform as expected. It’s an ever evolving plan, but an initial strategy needs to be formulated before it can grow into itself.
For details:
Leverage the Power of Infographics: In the last couple years, Infographics have made up a large portion of content produced and shared on social media. The reason is simple. Infographics utilize the power of both a graphical presentation and a text-based interface to catch the reader’s attention and draw them into the content. This combined medium is far more effective than its disparate parts.

Prioritize: The thing that many startup marketing strategies fail to take into account is how important prioritizing is. In any sort of business, your most important resource is time. To manage your time properly you need to be aware of what needs to be done firstand balance it with what has the most impact on your audience. Peter Drucker once summed it up by saying, “There’s nothing quite so useless as doing with great efficiency something that shouldn’t be done at all.”
Figure Out Your Social Networking Channels: There are hundreds of millions of users across dozens of social networking channels and as a startup, and your time dedicated to social media is already at a premium. Understanding you can’t cover all the possible avenues is the first thing you must come to grips with. Some background research can then direct you to the social media network where the majority of your target demographic dwells, allowing you to focus on that one.

Some On Page Attractive SEO Tips For 2015

Optimize Your Site Page Around One Keyword or Topic

The days of keyword “stuffing” are over, but you still need to keep your site pages optimized around one central idea and keyword. Keywords should appear in important on-page elements like the page title, heading, image alt text, and naturally throughout the page copy, but you should still be sure to craft each of these items for humans, not search engines

Remember that Keywords Are Important But Not Verbatim

Considering Google announced in 2014 that their paid search services, AdWords, would no longer rely on exact match keywords but also co-varieties of a keyword, it is likely that the same holds true for organic search, although it has not been explicitly announced.  Keywords no longer need to be the exact same variation as displayed in your keyword tool. For example,  the plural keyword, “inbound marketing tactics”, is equivalent to “inbound marketing tactic” in singular form with AdWord’s new targeting strategy. In addition, even if a searcher misspells, Google will still help them find your website despite the variation of the keyword optimized on your site.

URL Structure Should Be Short, Descriptive and Help to Categorize Your Website

A URL is one of the first things a search engine uses to determine page rank, which is why it is really important to make your URLs easy to crawl. You can do this by keeping URLs short (this is also beneficial for UX), aligning to the page’s topic and keyword, and ensuring that URLs help you to categorize your site pages.

Optimize Page Titles

A title tag is used by search engines to display a page in search results and can also be found at the top of your browser. Title tags tell search engines and searchers what the page is about. Since Google will only display between 50-60 characters in the title tag, you should keep title tags under 55 characters and try to drive people to click with compelling copy. You should also put keywords or topics towards the front of the title.

Utilize Proper Heading Tags

Heading tags should clearly tell the reader and search engines about the page’s topic. A search engine is able to identify the heading when it is tagged by bracketing text in within the page’s HTML (Note: If you have a CMS or COS like HubSpot or WordPress, this is usually coded in the background). Heading tags help tell a search engine the level of importance of the content by also using and tags. You can check your site’s current heading tags by viewing in HTML view. In addition to what you should do with heading tags , you should also avoid a few things including:
·         Avoid using generic terms like “Home” or “Products”
·         Don’t put important information that would likely be your as an image.

Optimize Image Alt Text

While you should not hide your heading tag in an image, you should still give search engines more opportunities to link to your website by adding keywords in the image alt text and file name.

Grow Natural Links

Google continues to use natural, quality inbound links as a main ranking factor. In 2015, you should closely monitor inbound links to ensure that they are constantly growing and that the inbound links come from quality websites.

Increase Site Speed

Since 2011, Google has made it apparent that site speed matter in search rankings, and today, with a bigger emphasis on the user experience than ever before, site speed will continue to be a critical ranking factor. Users don’t like to wait, and we are becoming more and more accustomed to the fast load times, which means your site will be left in the dust when a user must wait. There are a few important things you can do to speed up site speed:
·         Test site speed using Google or a built-in CMS tool like utilized in HubSpot
·         Ensure your web server can handle you size of your company and website needs. Overloaded web servers can slow down load times.
·         You may also find that one of the following culprits is slowing down times:
o    Embedded videos or media
o    Using a lot of images
o    Images that are not compressed to minimize pixels before uploading
o    Clunky coding
o    Using a lot of plugins
If you suspect any of the above are causing slow load times, you can find experts to help clean up your site or minimize the use of each.

HTTP vs. HTTPS: Why They Matter

With a big push to make the web world more secure, Google has began emphasizing the importance of utilizing HTTPS. While many websites have traditionally ran on a Hyper Text Transfer Protocal (HTTP), a Hyper Transfor Protocal Secure (HTTPS) ensures that a website is encrypted and cannot be hacked. With Google beginning to test the waters in using HTTPS as a ranking factor, it will be important to secure your website with HTTPS in 2015.

Mobile Search Implications

With nearly 40% of organic traffic coming from mobile devices in 2014, it should come as no surprise that mobile-friendly websites will rank better with Google. To ensure you are mobile optimized, you should be avoiding common mistakes described by Google including faulty redirects, mobile-only 404s, blocked media, and slow mobile load times.

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