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Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to Write a Press Release

Here is some information to assist you in writing a good press release. A well written press release can capture the attention of journalists and get you good exposure.

You are writing for journalists
Press releases aren't for customers or consumers they are for reporters, journalists who will use them as a starting point for a larger story or feature. Write your story as you would like to have it told. Press releases written as sales pieces will be completely ignored. The points you make in your press release and the order in which you make them may direct the journalist in how to develop the story.

Start with a strong "lead"
The first paragraph of the press release is known as the "lead". The lead needs to be strong, communicating your message quickly and concisely. You need to use your headline and first paragraph effectively so that they standalone and that if only those portions were to be read, there would be enough information to understand what the release is about. The rest of your press release should provide the detail. Journalists see maybe thousands of press releases a day, you have a few seconds to grab your their attention.

What is your angle?
The media are always on the look out for a good story. Your press release needs to be more than just. fact, it needs to be newsworthy. Understanding why journalists would find your story interesting is the key to success. Think about the release from the journalist's point of view, put yourself in their shoes. It is best to make your press release timely and to tie it to current events or social issues if possible. Find a good angle, a good news hook and you have the start of a good press release.

Who, what, where, when and why
A good press release needs to answer all of the "W" questions (who, what, where, when and why), providing the journalist with useful information about your organization, product, service or event. If your press release reads like an advertisement or sales pitch, dump it.

Why should anyone care?
Company launches, new websites and changes of management happen all the time and so aren't interesting. You need to concentrate on what makes your new company, web site, CEO or product unique. Ask yourself the question, "Why should anyone care?" Concentrate on the aspects of your press release that makes it different.

Add the human touch
Always use real life stories about how your organization identified a problem and solved it. How did your service or product fulfil a need or help the community. Real life examples communicate the benefits of using your product or service in a powerful way.

Keep to the point
Use enough words to tell your story, no more and no less. Don't pad your release with unnecessary adjectives or flowery language. But at the same time make each word count.

Limit the jargon
The best way to communicate your news is to speak plainly. You may need to use some jargon or industry specific lingo, but limit it to the minimum. Industry specific terms are only understood by people in the same industry where as your press release is aimed at a general readership.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Best Online Business Tips

Online business that means its web marketing, in general term for marketing done on the internet .It's basically a computer –based version of traditional marketing objectives that involve a product, price packaging, promotion and place. Marketing is ultimately about propelling a product or service through the proper channels and web marketing uses the internet as that channel. Online business related site online shopping.

Here the tips can help you achieve that and improve the bottom line of your online business.

  • Know what your customers want before they know they want it

    We are not clairvoyant, but by studying the habits of your customers you will see patterns that indicate what your customers are not only buying, but how they are buying it and why. Think seasonal patterns. Study your competition to see when they start pushing different type of merchandise.

  • Don't be afraid to be different

    When I first started out with an online business, I tended to follow the leaders. That is, I often patterned my business model after other businesses that offered the same types of service I was going to offer. What I failed to realize was that these companies had something I did not have…a reputation. Before customers willingly spend their money on what you are offering, they have to feel comfortable doing business with you. Credibility is an important part of building your online reputation and appearing just like all of the other online businesses is not going to convince customers that you are better. Look over your website and find a way to differentiate yourself from the hundreds, if not thousands of others that provide the same service.

  • One of the basic tenets of the retail world is to walk the store like a customer

    The same is true with an online business. Take an objective look at your business and how the customer sees it when they first click on your site. Better yet, have a friend or relative look over your site. As the business owner I knew exactly what was being portrayed but it wasn't until my daughter, a professional graphic artist pointed out that many of the offerings weren't specific that I could see what was missing.

    Simple language can make a big difference in how you present yourself to your customers. While working in retail, most employees, myself included used "corporate speak" on a daily basis but our customers had no idea what we were talking about. I learned to explain things to customers in a language they could understand and it made a big difference in effectively communicating with them.

  • Make your site different

    Many websites have taken search engine optimization efforts too far. They have heard that search engines look for quality text-based information that is relevant to the search term entered and turned their website into batches of reading material. Frankly, if customers want to read, they'll go to the library. Most people are attracted to a visual experience. Graphic presentations not only draw their attention, but it helps them remember you. Textual material is important and if you can't use text embedded in your graphics, don't go overboard with text. It may draw the search engines' attention but search engines are never converted into customers, humans are.


  • Make hot deals prominent on your site

    Businesses usually lose money on clearance items so they tend to hide them, wanting customers instead to buy things at the regular price. However, many traditional businesses use discounted items as loss leaders, meaning they are willing to sell something below cost, hoping customers will buy other items with a higher mark-up. Make your hot deals prominent on your site to grab their attention.

  • Be recognizable to your customers

    When customers see or hear your name, it needs to be immediately recognizable. When you are first starting out in an online business, your marketing will also include some off line efforts. Your logo, internet address and/or your company's tag line needs to consistently be present. Whether you sponsor a local sports team or take out ads in the local paper, when your logo is seen by potential customers, they instantly think of you.

  • Let your internet presence be known

    Following name recognition is the work you need to do to make sure your name comes up high on search engine results pages. Before you launch your internet business, make sure the site if SEO ready. If you have already launched, don't be afraid to make amends with the search engines. If the move requires a re-launch, keep your site's colors and logo the same (remember consistency) and use the opportunity to send out a press release announcing the new site.

  • Learn quickly from your mistakes

    If you make a mistake be quick to admit it. Mea Culpa can quickly turn a customer around and by admitting the mistake and offering to make it good, can turn a bad customer experience around, making a friend instead of a former customer.

  • Keep focus on back-end operations

    Too many online businesses focus exclusively on the customer experience while they peruse a website. If they have trouble at the checkout, you will lose them. Remember the part about walking the store like a customer? If they have to stand in line too long, they probably won't be back. If your online customers have to surf through too many pages and have trouble figuring out how to pay for their purchases, they probably won't make even that first purchase.

  • Exceed customers' expectations

    Instead of asking a customer, "How can I help you?" Try asking "What can I do for you today? Sure, it's a matter of semantics but the customer sees it as you trying to make an effort to help them. I remember calling an online business to complain about a faulty part on an item I purchased from them. The handle on the lid of a crock pot came off after the first use. The customer service representative promised to send a new lid. The very next day I received a whole new crock pot- sent Federal Express. From that experience I will be a loyal customer.

    Constantly seeing what your customers want, and treating each one like they are the most important person in the world, will turn them into life-long friends as well as customers. From my experience with that company, it correctly figure that even though they were losing the price of the crock pot, and the shipping cost, I would come back and buy more.

What is Internet Marketing Plan?

Developing Your Product

Your first step will be to develop a great product. You're probably thinking that's easier said than done, but it's really not. The absolute best product is one that you can develop yourself and deliver over the Internet. With today's technology, there is absolutely no reason why you can't create your own product. The knowledge you have within your own mind is extremely valuable. Everybody is good at something, has a special talent or some specialized knowledge. Use this knowledge to create a product.

The key to developing a great product is exclusiveness. Your product should be unique and not be in competition with hundreds of other similar products. You must give your potential customers exactly what they want. Develop a high-quality product that fills a void to increase your chance of success.

Another consideration of great importance is your target market. Keep in mind, the Internet is a global marketplace. Develop a product with a large geographic target and a wide appeal. A great product will fulfill a need or desire and provide instant gratification.

Here are a few of the top sellers:

  • Software
  • Information
  • Private sites
  • Internet services

Before you develop your product, do some research -- find out exactly what people want and develop your product accordingly.

The most important consideration when developing your product is quality. Your product should not only deliver what you promise, but should go above and beyond the expected and over deliver. Your customer’s satisfaction is of the utmost importance.

Developing Your Web Site

Once you've developed a great product, your next step will be to develop a great web site. Your web site must be specifically designed to sell your product.

Everything within your web site should have one purpose -- getting your visitor to take action. Words are the most powerful marketing tool you have. The right words will turn your visitors into customers. The wrong words will cause them to click away and never return.

Your words are the entire foundation of your business. Your product, your web site and your marketing strategies all depend upon your words. Fancy graphics don't make sales -- words do.

Every word, sentence and headline should have one specific purpose -- to lead your potential customer to your order page. Write your web site copy as if you are talking to just one person. Identify a problem and validate that one visitor's need for a solution. Continue to write and explain why your product is the solution to their problem. Tell them exactly what your product will do for them -- why it will solve their problems and how. Pack your copy with benefits and more benefits. Write to persuade -- that's the bottom line.

Developing Your Marketing Strategies

Your marketing strategy is the final process of your plan. Your plan must include both short-term and long-term strategies in order to succeed.

Short term marketing strategies are those that bring you a temporary boost in traffic. Although these techniques are very important to your over-all plan, they are only a temporary traffic source and must not be solely relied upon.

Short term marketing strategies include:

  • Purchasing Advertising
  • Participating in Forums
  • Search Engines
  • Etc.

Long term marketing strategies are those that bring you a steady stream of targeted traffic over time. These strategies will continue to produce results even years down the road.

Long term marketing strategies include:

  • Opt-in Lists
  • Blogging
  • Social Networking Sites
  • Social Bookmarking Sites
  • Giving Away Freebies
  • Article Marketing

By creating and implementing a balanced marketing strategy, using both short-term and long-term strategies, you will drive a steady stream of targeted traffic to your web site.

What is Internet Marketing?

Internet Marketing is best deployed as part of an overall strategic web marketing campaign. Internet Marketing should be viewed as a synergy of business models, platforms, technology and techniques applied to meet business objectives through good website marketing. Internet Marketing is a powerful concept when applied properly and good website marketing can be delivered through quality web design, site functionality and search marketing through search engine optimization as well as in a variety of other formats such as:

  • Banner ads
  • Blogs and blog ads
  • Text linking
  • Group marketing
  • Audio/visual rich media ads
  • Podcasting
  • RSS feeds
  • Streaming media
  • E-mail list and newsletter publishing
  • Press release distribution
  • Virally distributed interactive products
  • Internet Marketing delivers and communicates messages. Internet Marketing is also used to also sell virtually everything from products, brands, concepts, services, information, donations, votes and profiles, making website marketing a versatile tool.
  • Large marketers continue to spend big online through Website Marketing and Search Marketing. Online advertising alone is worth tens of billions of dollars annually. In 2008 it is estimated that more than $5 billion will be spent worldwide in each of the top four categories of Internet Marketing ads - adult content and gambling, information, electronics, and computing, making web marketing a growing industry. The US is predicted to lead the world in Internet Marketing through adverts, spending over $45 billion in 2011 purely on website marketing, making internet marketing big business.
  • The reasons for Internet Marketing proving such a powerful, emergent concept are many.
  • Internet Marketing is targeted:
    Internet Marketing can be directed at specific web users, with content and media created to deliver appropriate messages via website marketing techniques. Specialised interest groups and niches can be focused by targeted Internet Marketing.
  • Internet Marketing is flexible:
    An Internet Marketing campaign can be very specific, not just in where and how the Internet Marketing campaign will run but also when the web marketing runs. Website Marketing Campaigns can be time exact and efficient.
  • Internet Marketing is measurable:
    Internet Marketing campaign performance analytics can be closely studied to reveal key web marketing performance indicators. E.g. - new customers acquired status of existing customers, profitability of customers by demographic segments, spend per head, and return on investment and many more website marketing stats. Website Marketing results are easily accessible, making web marketing and search marketing a great measurable tool.
  • Internet Marketing is adjustable:
    As the Internet is such a dynamic environment, website marketing campaigns can be honed as an ongoing process of web marketing. Analytics and Internet Marketing campaign data can reveal strengths and weaknesses in Web Marketing campaigns and website marketing resources deployed accordingly. Website marketing isn't just focused and proactive, Internet Marketing can also be extremely reactive.
  • Internet Marketing is Cost Effective:
    Internet Marketing is relatively inexpensive when compared to the ratio of cost against the reach of the target audience. Using website marketing, companies are able to reach their target audience for a fraction of traditional advertising budgets with good Internet Marketing. The current economic downturn may offer many potential opportunities for companies to develop effective website marketing, search marketing and advertising. Search marketing incorporating organic search engine optimization and pay per click (PPC) web marketing campaigns prove the most effective forms of website marketing.

    The current top 10 Search Engine Optimization determining factors are:

  • SEO factor 1: Keyword use in title tags
  • SEO factor 2: Anchor text of inbound Links
  • SEO factor 3: Global popularity of the site
  • SEO factor 4: Age of the site
  • SEO factor 5: Link popularity within the site's internal link structure
  • SEO factor 6: Topical relevance of inbound links to site
  • SEO factor 7: Link popularity of site in topical community
  • SEO factor 8: Keyword use in body text
  • SEO factor 9: Global popularity of Linking Site
  • SEO factor 10: Topical relationship of Linking Page

Off Page Search Engine Optimization & SEO

Off Page Search Engine Optimization is critical to the long term authority of your website and combines with your On Page Search Engine Optimization to establish a long term presence for the target keywords. Our Off Page Search Engine Optimizations is carried out monthly and includes the following SEO aspects at different levels depending on how competitive your industry is:

  • SEO aspect 1: Directory Submissions
  • SEO aspect 2: Article Creation and Submission into Article Directories
  • SEO aspect 3: Themed Links From Other Websites to Improve Traffic
  • SEO aspect 4: Blog Integration, including blog writing and posting
  • SEO aspect 5: Social Media Marketing


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SEO Workflow

  1. Initial project planning: Meet with an SEO expert. Pay them for their time. Have them map out when and how the SEO team should be involved in development.
  2. Information architecture: Before you create your new site map, pick your keywords and verify that they matter. Organize your keywords into topics. Be sure your architecture reflects this. Remember, this isn't just how search engines see your site. It's how people look for you, too.
  3. Tools selection: If you're using a shopping cart, content management system or something else, make sure they support SEO. And no, I don't mean "SEO friendly URLs" or other trite sales speak you'll hear. I mean that these tools support unique title tags, correct semantic markup and won't turn your web site into a pile of search-repellent spaghetti.
  4. Content: Let the expert help you structure and write great copy that'll also get the search engines' attention.
  5. Design: As your creative team gets to work, get your SEO expert to have a glance at the design. You don't want to take, say, headings and turn them into graphical text. The SEO can work with the designers and help them find the best balance. She may know a thing or two about image replacement and other tricks that can help create a beautiful, search-friendly site, too. Like
  6. Mockup: Sooo many companies ignore this. Have a truly great XHTML coder create templates for each unique page layout on your site. Then have your expert review for potential issues. This will make your developers' lives much, much easier, because they won't have to become HTML producers.
  7. Development: Make sure the SEO team has access to the site-in-progress. They'll watch for alarm bells like uneditable title tags, straying from the mockup or hacked-up code.
  8. Pre-launch: The SEO expert can use whatever tools they have to 'crawl' your site, checking for busted links, search engine roadblocks, etc..
  9. Pre-launch, 2: The expert will give you a set of 301 redirects to set up, so that critical link authority isn't lost.
  10. Launch: The SEO expert will join you in biting collective fingernails.
  11. Post launch: Now the expert will start working on the stuff most people consider 'search engine optimization' - link building, tracking metrics, content optimization, strategy, etc..


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